11:20 11.04.2013

Court declares legal building of house in Revutskoho Street with apartments for Elita-Center fraud victims

2 min read

The administrative court in Kyiv on March 29, 2013 declared illegal a decision of Kyiv City Council declaring invalid a decision on the transfer of a land plot to Kyiv Investment Agency municipal company to build a residential building with social and cultural facilities and an underground parking area at 7, Revutskoho Street in the Darnytsky district of Kyiv and canceled the council's decision.

A posting on the Web site of public joint-stock company Kyivmiskbud, one of the largest builders in Ukraine, thus, the court satisfied a claim against Kyiv City Council filed by the holding and declared the construction project legal.

The interagency commission of the Regional Development, Construction, Utilities and Housing Economy Ministry of Ukraine included the house on a list of projects participating in the Affordable Housing program. In addition, some apartments in the house will be transferred to the city and then to the Elita-Center fraud victims.

As reported, Kyivmiskbud plans in the second half of the year to commission three buildings with 60 apartments for the said purpose. The holding in 2014 plans to commission another three buildings: at 28-32 Radunska Street (15 apartments), 39G, Harmatna Street (10 apartments) and 7V, Revutskoho Street (10 apartments).

Kyivmiskbud was set up on the basis of municipally owned construction corporation Kyivmiskbud in 1994 through the merger of controlling stakes in 28 enterprises and other assets in its charter capital.

Kyivmiskbud consists of 40 companies, in which the holding owns shares, along with six subsidiaries and 51 associated members. Kyiv municipal community owns an 80% stake in the holding.

The charter capital of Kyivmiskbud as of the end of 2012 amounted to UAH 16.535 million.