14:09 10.08.2021

Restaurant Dacha in Odesa should be added to register of cultural heritage – experts

3 min read

KYIV. Aug 10 (Interfax-Ukraine) – The Dacha restaurant of restaurateur Savva Libkin on French Boulevard in Odesa should be included in the public register of cultural heritage monuments of Ukraine and protected from closure and destruction, CEO of Family Business Network Ukraine, President of Win Win Communications Larysa Mudrak has said.

"The Dacha restaurant and its entire history should become a cultural, historical heritage, and it should be included in the future and in the register of cultural heritage monuments. This is a request to the Ministry of Culture and directly to Minister Oleksandr Tkachenko," she said at a press conference at Interfax-Ukraine.

According to Mudrak, the authorities of Odesa region, as well as the President and Prime Minister of Ukraine, should pay attention to the litigation involving the Dacha restaurant.

"The cultural significance of this building has already gone beyond its construction at the end of the 19th century. It already carries an additional cultural load, as it is an outstanding gastronomic place in Odesa and the pearl of the park of the Chkalov sanatorium. We plan to initiate the entry of this facility into the register of cultural heritage monuments," lawyer and head of the South Ukrainian branch of Arzinger Law Firm Viktor Syzonenko said.

According to him, in 2004, restaurateur Libkin invested in the restoration of the Dacha building, and later acquired a part of it during a privatization tender. At present, a trial on the claim of the prosecutor's office to invalidate the purchase and sale agreement is underway.

"There is an economic case on the claim of the prosecutor's office, in which it seeks to declare illegal and invalid the contract on the sale of 49% of the building where the Dacha restaurant is located. This part was acquired by Savva Libkin's company Drive-In LLC at the end of 2008 during privatization. I emphasize that this procedure was carried out according to the new law," Syzonenko said.

At the same time, the lawyer said that the building was included in the list of facilities for privatization by an order of the State Property Fund of Ukraine.

"From the legal point of view, the only reason to talk about the unlawfulness of the sale and purchase agreement of the privatization object can be the cancellation of the regulatory and administrative act on the basis of which this agreement was signed – that is, the order of the State Property Fund. This is not currently happening. The prosecutor's office, speaking about the illegality of the contract, does not appeal against the order of the State Property Fund," Syzonenko said.

According to him, this process continues undermining investor confidence in Odesa region.