More than half of Ukrainians do not plan to sell land shares after opening of land market – poll
KYIV. Feb 18 (Interfax-Ukraine) – Some 59% of Ukrainians in no way plan to sell their land shares, if after the opening of the land market in Ukraine there will be an offer, and only 3% of Ukrainians are ready to sell the share without hesitation, according to a sociological research conducted by the Ukrainian Institute for the Future (UIF) from January 27 to February 5, 2021.
At the same time, according to the results of the research, released at a press conference at Interfax-Ukraine on Thursday, 22% of respondents are ready to think about selling, but will not rush, and 10% of respondents will bargain and consider the price.
Respondents from villages in central Ukraine more often than others stated that they would sell their shares anyway. In turn, respondents from regional centers and Kyiv in most cases noted that they would think about selling, but would not be in a hurry.
As the research showed, 23.5% of Ukrainians said they owned a land share, another 12.5% had a share in the family, and 66% of those surveyed did not have shares. Most often, the shares were held by respondents from villages.
Every fourth respondent (26%) noted that they would like to purchase agricultural land if there is such an opportunity, and 68% did not want to. Most often, 25-34-year-old respondents from the central and southern parts of the country wanted to acquire their own land shares.
Answering the question whether the launch of the land market in Ukraine will change the lease rates of land shares, 50% of the respondents answered positively. Moreover, 51% of the respondents expressed confidence that the lease rate would increase significantly. Some 26% of Ukrainians noted that the rental rate would grow, but not significantly.
In turn, 23% said that the lease rates of land shares in Ukraine would not grow, and 27% found it difficult to answer the question.
The overwhelming majority of respondents (78%) could not indicate what price per hectare of land they consider fair.
A sociological research on social and political attitudes of Ukrainians was conducted from January 27 to February 5, 2021 by the Ukrainian Institute for the Future with the assistance from the New Image Marketing Group.
The research was conducted among 2,400 respondents aged 18 and over from all regions of Ukraine (except for the temporarily occupied territories of Crimea and Donetsk and Luhansk regions), who were interviewed using the "face-to-face" method. The statistical error of the research does not exceed 2.05%.