15:43 20.11.2020

Annual losses of electricity in worn-out networks estimated at UAH 20 bln – EDS representative

2 min read

KYIV. Nov 20 (Interfax-Ukraine) – Annual losses in the power grids, both due to the deterioration of networks and equipment, amount to about UAH 20 billion and are a bottleneck that hinders the development of the power industry, Chief Engineer of EDS Engineering, which deals with the design and construction of power facilities, Maksym Moldovan has said.

"In 2019, due to the deterioration of power grids and equipment in Ukraine, 156,000 accidents occurred. Annually, losses of electricity due to wear are almost 13,000 million kWh, or 11% of the generated electricity. If we translate these indicators into money, the losses are estimated at UAH 20 billion annually," he said at a press conference at Interfax-Ukraine on Friday.

At the same time, he drew attention to the low level of investment in the reconstruction of the industry.

"Regional power supply companies invested UAH 5 billion in business development last year, and only 14% of this amount – in infrastructure development. This is the lowest figure in Europe. For example, in Romania it is five times more, in Poland – six times more, in Germany – eight times more," Moldovan said.

To resolve this situation, in his opinion, Ukraine needs to develop a unified concept for the reconstruction of distribution networks and equipment, in which, in particular, provide for the use of smart grid technologies. In addition, the issue of developing a system for training qualified personnel for the energy industry, which is acutely experiencing their deficit today, requires a solution at the legislative level.

At the same time, he said that the pace and volume of reconstruction is influenced not by the lack of necessary funds, but by the lack of confidence of investors in the safety of investments and transparency of the conditions for this. At the same time, according to Moldovan, the introduction of incentive tariffs creates conditions for stepping up the process of modernization of power grids and equipment.

Executive Director of the Solar Energy Association of Ukraine Artem Semenyshyn, for his part, added that without a decision to modernize the networks, it is impossible to talk about the competitiveness of Ukrainian electricity in European markets.

"Without the development of networks, we will not be able to become one of the largest suppliers of green electricity to Europe, for which we have all the conditions geographically," he said.