18:57 11.04.2019

Some 68% of Zelensky's supporters voting against current situation in Ukraine, 40% of Poroshenko's supporters voting more 'against Putin' – Rating poll

2 min read

KYIV. April 11 (Interfax-Ukraine) – Among supporters of presidential candidate Volodymyr Zelensky, 68% are by their choice expressing, first and foremost, their protest against the existing situation in the country, while 26% are voting for him as a person.

According to poll results of the Sociological Group Rating published at the Kyiv-based Interfax-Ukraine news agency on Thursday, a total of 66% of Ukrainians think this is the main motivation to vote for Zelensky, while 20% think people are voting for Zelensky because of his personal qualities.

Among the voters of the current president, Petro Poroshenko, almost 40% vote not so much for him as against Russian President Vladimir Putin, while 42% are voting for Poroshenko the candidate.

Some 31% of all respondents believe that they are voting for Poroshenko as an individual, while 26% believe that voting for him is, first of all, a vote "against Putin."

Some 57% of voters who are ready to support Zelensky in the second round are voting for him as a candidate, while 41% of those polled said they are voting for Poroshenko the candidate.

Some 75% of voters who are ready to support Poroshenko in the second round are more likely to vote for him as a candidate, while 22% are more likely to vote against Zelensky.

Sociological Group Rating conducted the survey on April 5-10, 2019, among Ukrainians 18 years and older. The sample is representative by age, gender, region, and type of settlement. Some 3,000 people took part in a personal formalized interview (face-to-face). The margin of error of the poll does not exceed 1.8%.