12:50 18.04.2022

National police: 900 Ukrainians missing, 2,500 killed, 500 illegally imprisoned

1 min read

The National Police of Ukraine is investigating nearly 900 criminal cases involving missing Ukrainians, more than 500 cases of abduction of civilians, and more than 2,500 cases involving the deaths of Ukrainian citizens.

"To date, the National Police has registered almost 900 criminal proceedings on the facts of our missing citizens in the territories that were and, unfortunately, are still under occupation," First Deputy Head of the Main Investigation Department of the National Police Serhiy Panteleyev said at a briefing in Kyiv on Monday.

He said: "The police also documented the facts of illegal deprivation of liberty by the invaders of more than 500 civilian Ukrainians."

In addition, according to Panteleyev, the police are investigating criminal proceedings on the facts of the death of more than 2,500 citizens of Ukraine.