Servant of People remains leader of electoral sympathies, but its lead over other parties insignificant

At the parliamentary elections, 20.5% of Ukrainians, who will come to the elections and have decided on their vote, are ready to vote for the Servant of the People party, according to the results of a nationwide study conducted by the Ilko Kucheriv Democratic Initiatives Foundation in conjunction with the sociological service of the Razumkov Center.
The European Solidarity is in the second place with 17% of support. Third place in terms of electoral sympathies is shared by three parties at once - Batkivschyna (10.5%), the potential Reasonable Politics party (10.5%) and the Opposition Platform - For Life (10%).
The Strength and Honor party (almost 7%) and the Nashi project (slightly more than 5%) also have chances to get into parliament. The Ukrainian strategy of Groisman is also close enough to the passing barrier - 4.4%.
The Servant of the People is the only major political party that enjoys relatively equal support in all regions and educational groups. In the West, the party is supported by 16.5% of respondents, in the Center - 18.2%, in the South - 23.7%, in the East - 18.6%. Among the voters of this party, there are also no significant distortions regarding the material condition of the respondents or their language of communication. The Servant of the People is supported by 16.9% among the extremely poor, by 17.2% among the poor; by 19.5% among the conditionally wealthy, by 16.1% among the wealthy.
The European Solidarity Party is most supported by voters with a higher level of education and, as a rule, wealthier ones. In particular, 8.5% of the extremely poor, 13.6% of the poor, 16.3% of the conditionally wealthy, 26.8% of the wealthy are ready to vote for the European Solidarity. More voters of the European Solidarity live in the West (21.3%) and, partially, in the Center (16.6%). In the South - 10.8%, in the East - 10%.
Older respondents and poorer people are more likely to vote for the Batkivschyna and the Opposition Platform. In particular, the Batkivschyna party is supported by 12.3% of the extremely poor, 12.3% of the poor, 8.4% of the conditionally well-off, 6% of the well-off.
It is also indicated that respondents with a lower level of education vote for the Opposition Platform much more often, which is not observed in relation to the Batkivschyna party. Meanwhile, women are totally predominant in the structure of the Batkivschyna party voters, which is not observed in relation to other parties.
If the elections were held now and according to the proportional system, the Servant of the People would receive some 114 seats, the European Solidarity would get 97 seats, the Batkivschyna - 59, the Reasonable Politics -59, The Opposition Platform - 55, the Strength and Honor - 37 seats, Nashi party - 29 seats.
A nationwide study was conducted by the Ilko Kucheriv Democratic Initiatives Foundation together with the sociological service of the Razumkov Center from December 17 to 22, 2021 in all regions of Ukraine, with the exception of Crimea and the occupied territories of Donetsk and Luhansk regions. A total of 2,018 respondents aged 18 and over were surveyed. The theoretical sampling error is 2.3%.