12:59 04.12.2021

Zelensky does not fulfill his obligations to fight corruption - Active Group poll

3 min read

The majority of Ukrainians believe that President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky has not fulfilled his obligations to fight corruption, half of the respondents make him responsible in this area, believing that the head of state must make the final decision when appointing the heads of anti-corruption bodies.

This is evidenced by the results of a sociological survey of the Active Group company, published on Friday at a press conference in Kyiv.

Speaking about the assessment of work of law enforcement agencies by Ukrainians on a 5-point scale, founder of the Active Group sociological company Andriy Yeremenko said: "The Prosecutor General's Office has low marks, less than two points."

According to the poll, Ukrainians tend to blame the head of state for successes and failures in the fight against corruption - 57.6% of respondents expressed such an opinion.

"The president is responsible for everything and he should be the main initiator, the Verkhovna Rada is in second place, then the Cabinet of Ministers," Yeremenko said.

Answering the question about how the president fulfilled his promises to fight corruption, 46.3% of respondents said that he did not fulfill it at all, another 35.3% of respondents believe that he probably did not fulfill it.

"A total of 11.1% of respondents believe that in one way or another he fulfilled his promises, 81.6% of respondents - that he did not fulfill or rather did not fulfill the obligations that he took on in the fight against corruption," Yeremenko said.

As for the question of the positive/negative role of public organizations in the fight against corruption, according to the survey results, the opinions of Ukrainians were almost equally divided.

Also, according to the survey, Ukrainians are ambiguous about the participation of international experts in the election of the leadership of anti-corruption bodies: 40% of respondents are generally positive about this, 42.3% are negative.

Answering the question whether the president has the right to conduct interviews with candidates for leading positions in anti-corruption bodies, that is, to actually make the final decision in these appointments, 52.3% of respondents indicated that the head of state clearly or most likely should do this, less than a third of the respondents - 28.1% - do not think so.

The survey was conducted by the sociological company "Active Group" from November 29 to December 1, 2021; some 1,200 respondents were interviewed, residents of cities with a population of 50,000 or more, with the exception of the occupied territories. The sampling error does not exceed 2.9%.