15:03 22.01.2018

Klitschko says Dovzhenko Film Studio is integral property complex, no talk of sale of its part

2 min read
Klitschko says Dovzhenko Film Studio is integral property complex, no talk of sale of its part

The Dovzhenko Film Studio is an integral property complex, an object of national importance, which is subordinate to the Ukrainian Culture Ministry, and there can be no question of any sale of part of the land or property of this complex to individual private structures, Kyiv Mayor Vitali Klitchko has said.

"The Dovzhenko National Film Studio is an important structure in Ukrainian film and video production, a historical object of Ukrainian cinema art. The film studio is an integral property complex that is under the jurisdiction of the Culture Ministry. I am sure that there can be no question about the sale of part of its land or property to individual private structures. Kyiv City Council will not make such a decision," Kyiv City State Administration's press service cited the mayor as saying.

Klitschko said that the issue of commercial relations between the studio and private entities about the rights of leasing should be resolved in the legal plane and that the city council's land commission, in his opinion, should not have made such a decision.

"As long as I am mayor of the capital, I will do everything to ensure that the important objects for Kyiv and its residents function according to their profile, so that they play football and engage in sports at stadiums, rather than build them up, so that Kyiv parks remain green areas, and at the legendary Dovzhenko Film Studio they could film the movies that will glorify Kyiv and Ukraine," he said.

Last week, the studio announced that part of the land on Peremohy Avenue, which is within the boundaries of the film studio, was to be rented for 15 years for a filling station. On January 22, the draft decision will be considered at a meeting of the commission on fuel and energy complex.