18:39 08.04.2016

Kyiv waiting for proposals from Brussels after Dutch referendum

1 min read
Kyiv waiting for proposals from Brussels after Dutch referendum

The first proposals from the European Union over the Ukraine-EU Association Agreement following the Dutch referendum are expected on April 18 at the meeting of EU Council of Foreign Chiefs, deputy head of president's administration Kostiantyn Yeliseyev said.

"This issue will be a subject of a rapt attention inside the EU and we expect that more or less specific proposals will emerge, to crystallize during the next Council of EU Foreign Chiefs scheduled for April 18, 2016. But these would be just the first proposals," Yeliseyev said during a briefing of the president's administration on Friday.

He expressed a belief that as far as one understands the referendum's outcome and its influence on the common European unity, it will be a chance to meet a halfway.

"A principal stance of the Ukrainian side should be basic among all these variants, according to which the Agreement shouldn't sustain any principal and fundamental amendments. The real Agreement is an integral, its content is inviolable and that's why we'll move further," he stressed.