Yatseniuk's revenues in 2015 up to UAH 2 mln from UAH 1.1 mln in 2014

Prime Minister of Ukraine Arseniy Yatseniuk has declared UAH 1.966 million of gross income for 2015, whereas in 2014 his total revenues amounted to UAH 1.147 million.
According to the premier's declaration posted on the government's website, his wage totaled UAH 81,700, interest on bank deposits UAH 1.2 million, income from property lease UAH 600,000, as well as other income UAH 44,200.
The total income of premier's spouse Terezia Yatseniuk for 2015 amounted to UAH 1.134 million, including UAH 802,400 of business income and UAH 331,600 in interest on bank deposits.
The declaration also indicated military bonds in the amount of UAH 100,200, which the prime minister acquired in 2014.
The property of Yatseniuk includes a land plot of 3,031 square meters, a house and a garage with a total area of 343.5 square meters, three apartments with a total area of 342 square meters (two apartments in Kyiv and part of an apartment in Chernivtsi), a garden house of 114.5 square meters, a parking place of 13.4 square meters in Kyiv. The premier owns a 2010 model of Mercedes S, his wife a Range Rover of a 2012 model. As follows from the declarations, the Yatseniuk family did not acquire any new property or cars in 2015.