17:33 18.12.2015

Lutsenko registers bill on zero tax return

1 min read
Lutsenko registers bill on zero tax return

The head of the largest parliamentary faction, the Bloc of Petro Poroshenko, Yuriy Lutsenko, and the member of the pro-premier faction People's Front and the profile tax committee, Oleksandr Kirsh, have proposed introducing a zero declaration.

The deputies registered three bills in the Verkhovna Rada on December 17: that on a zero declaration (No. 3661) and the related changes to the Tax Code (No. 3662) and the Budget Code (No. 3663) on tax on the declaration of income, assets, property rights by the entities submitting a zero declaration.

The texts of these documents are currently not available on the website of the parliament.

As reported, the idea of a tax amnesty or a zero declaration has been discussed within the tax reform during the last few years.

In addition, National Bank Head Valeriya Gontareva has recently expressed support for such an idea as a prerequisite for foreign exchange liberalization.

"All our business is in the offshore zone because the country was built in such a way... If we want to liberalize our currency legislation, we need some capital amnesty, zero declarations," she said in an interview with Interfax-Ukraine.