Ukraine to start restoring full border control immediately after local elections

A package of measures approved by the Contact Group in Minsk on Thursday aims at restoring the Ukrainian government's full control over the state border throughout the conflict zone.
The document says that the restoration of control over the border will start on the first day after local elections and end upon the achievement of comprehensive political settlement by late 2015.
The document emphasized that the goal could be achieved on condition of the compliance with provision 11, in the course of consultations and with the consent of representatives of certain districts of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions within the Contact Group framework.
Provision 11 of the package signed by the Contact Group in Minsk stipulates a constitutional reform in Ukraine and the enforcement of a new constitution by late 2015, a key element of which will be decentralization (with due account of the specific features of certain districts of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions coordinated with their representatives) and the adoption of permanent legislative acts declaring a special status for certain districts of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions by the end of 2015.