Ukraine govt expands list of smoke grenades, gas, flash-bang grenades to be used against rioters

The Ukrainian government has expanded a list of special means that security forces can use in protecting public order by including hand held smoke grenades, Dreif-2gas grenades, and flash-bangs Zarya-2, Fakel-S, and Plamya-M, in line with a government directive posted on the government website on Wednesday.
Smoke grenades, classified as a means of support during special operations, were not on the list previously.
The abovementioned list included earlier 10 varieties of gas grenades and cartridges with gas grenades as active defense means, namely Cheryomukha-1, Cheryomukha-4, Cheryomukha-5, Cheryomukha-6, Cheryomukha-7, Cheryomukha-10, Cheryomukha-12, Siren-1, Siren-2, and Siren-3.
Flash-bang grenades and other devices are classified as a means of support during special operations in Ukraine. Before the latest amendments, the list included two varieties of them, i.e. Zarya and Plamya.