17:31 05.10.2012

World is at risk for global epidemic of non-infectious illnesses - Skvortsova

2 min read
World is at risk for global epidemic of non-infectious illnesses - Skvortsova

The global epidemic of non-infectious illnesses is increasing, Russian Health Minister Veronika Skvortsova said.

"In the 20th century, health risks for people were directly associated with infections. Now, a global epidemic of non-infectious illnesses is increasing in the world, which is the leading cause of death and disability worldwide," Skvortsova said at the first national doctors' congress in Moscow.

The minister said nine out of every 10 deaths of people younger than 60 are caused by vascular illnesses, cancer, respiratory illnesses and diabetes.

"The majority of non-infectious illnesses are formed gradually, under the influence of nutrition, water quality, ecological factors, physical activity, emotions, bad habits, and social factors, including work and recreation conditions," she said.

"Behavioral risk factors have a huge influence on the development of non-infectious illnesses, from 61% in vascular disorders to 35% in tumors," the minister said.

Almost 12% of all deaths are associated with alcohol abuse, 17% of deaths are associated with smoking, and almost 13% are linked to unbalanced diet, Skvortsova said. The minister recalled that it was Russia that created the policy of a unified preventive environment, which was broadly backed by the international community.

The minister said the government commission on healthcare, which is led by the prime minister, will become the main coordinating center in this policy in Russia.