Kyiv confectionery Roshen intends to increase charter capital by UAH 500 mln

PrJSC Kyiv Confectionery Factory Roshen, part of Roshen Corporation, intends to increase its charter capital by 33.2%, or UAH 500 million, to UAH 2.006 billion through an additional share issue.
According to the company's announcement in the information disclosure system of the National Securities and Stock Market Commission, the investor will be a subsidiary of Roshen Confectionery Corporation, which already owned 96.9017% of the shares at the end of the first quarter of this year.
Taking into account the additional issue, the share of the majority shareholder may reach 97.674%.
It is specified that a meeting of shareholders will consider the issue of increasing the charter capital on August 16 this year, including the non-use of the pre-emptive right of shareholders to purchase shares of the additional issue and carry it out in one stage.
In total, it is planned to issue 2 billion ordinary registered shares with a nominal value of UAH 0.25, the sale price will be determined by the Supervisory Board.
Roshen Corporation is one of the top 30 largest confectionery manufacturers in the world.
The corporation produces about 320 types of confectionery. The total production volume reaches 450,000 tonnes of products per year.
The network of Roshen branded stores in Ukraine includes about 70 stores in different regions of the country. The first one opened in 2009 in Kyiv.