10:01 26.05.2023

DTEK Energy machine builders produce first 30 railcars after relocation for DTEK Pavlohradvuhillia mines

2 min read
DTEK Energy machine builders produce first 30 railcars after relocation for DTEK Pavlohradvuhillia mines

Druzhkivka Machine Building Plant (Corum DrMZ), which is part of the engineering company Corum Group (DTEK Energy), has manufactured the first batch of freight cars (30 units) after relocation, commissioned by DTEK Pavlohradvuhillia mines.

As noted on the company's Facebook page, in order to restore production after the relocation, it was necessary to change the design and manufacturing technology of parts and the railcar as a whole while maintaining quality.

"The main thing is that we have preserved and resumed the production of railcars, and we can provide mines with freight transport. Some parts are redesigned for production on universal machine equipment, which is on the industrial site in Dnipro," Serhiy Bruyako, the manager of Corum DrMZ, said.

The company notes that VG3.3-900 is the most popular freight car at the mines of DTEK Energy, on average, for 200 ordered cars of different models, 100 are accounted for by it. It is capable of moving up to 6 tonnes of coal.

"The production of the first batch showed sufficient manufacturability of the assembly of the product, thanks to which it was possible to speed up the production process compared to the first samples. In June, we plan to ship the next 30 railcars to customers. In addition, 83 more are in the works," says Oleh Reshetniak, the head of the metal structures shop.

Equipment intended for transportation of rock mass and materials through underground workings and industrial sites of mines will be delivered to the mines Ternovska, Samarska and Heroiv Kosmosu.

The standard service life of railcars for mines is 10 years.