Almost 90% of 113 surveyed companies continue doing business in Ukraine – ACC survey

The American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine (ACC) surveyed 113 member companies out of 633, some 88% continue to do business in Ukraine: 45% operate partially, 18% relocated to safer regions of the country, 6% closed offices in some regions, 12% stopped the business and 6% of them completely stopped the activity.
"Despite Russia's full-scale invasion to Ukraine, 88% of companies continue operating in Ukraine, 86% of respondents support the call by Ukraine's Foreign Minister for a global boycott of international companies that have kept their operations open in Russia," it said.
"Some 95% of ACC Ukraine member companies continue to pay salaries during the war: 65% of them pay full salary and provide extra support, 26% pay full salary, 8% - partially reduced salary, 1% - pay a minimum wage. Only 1% could not pay salaries at all," the report says.
"Some 92% of respondents indicate that their organizations provide support to the humanitarian drive. The most common ways of support are financial support (42%), providing in-kind goods (24%), and volunteering drive within the companies' employees (14%)," it says.
"ACC member companies also support Ukraine's territorial defense units and defense forces (65%): 40% of members indicated that some of their employees joined the territorial defense units, 24% of companies provide financial support, another 24% - provide goods and medicines," according to the document.
"The business representatives were asked to indicate the biggest challenges for their organizations right now. Safety and security of employees (79%), logistics and transport (49%), export-import operations (21%) were identified by business representatives as the top-3 major challenges. Among others are relocation (16%), access to financing (6%), and access to raw materials (6%)," it said.
"The business believes that termination of business operations and exerting pressure on Russia and Belarus, calling and lobbying for wider and more comprehensive economic sanctions on these countries will give positive results. Moreover, the business community considered it necessary to use the global networks to raise awareness and attract attention to the war in Ukraine, increasing pressure on governments in Europe and throughout the world to stop the war. ACC Ukraine companies encourage HQs to support their employees in Ukraine and communicate with top-level authorities on their country level to provide multifaceted support to Ukraine (financial, humanitarian, etc.). Business also calls on colleagues to try to keep operations in Ukraine, to pay taxes and salaries to employees, thus supporting Ukraine's economy," it reads.