17:35 07.07.2020

Demand at primary govt bond auctions plunges lower UAH 0.3 bln

1 min read
Demand at primary govt bond auctions plunges lower UAH 0.3 bln

Demand at primary government domestic loan bond auctions on Tuesday was only UAH 0.29 billion (the face value) compared with UAH 2.5 billion a week ago and UAH 8.08 billion two weeks ago.

If a week ago, sales amounted to only UAH 1.27 billion and this was the worst indicator since the end of May, this time the Finance Ministry, according to information on its website, raised only UAH 312.9 million, and the main amount was brought at the auction for three-month securities – UAH 291.5 million.

For the shortest government bonds, the rate remained at 7.24% per annum, while the fewer buyers themselves agreed to lower the rate a little: for one-year instruments – to 9.5%, for 20-month bonds – to 10.2%.