Ukroboronprom's aircraft maintenance enterprises fulfill state defense order for 2019 in advance

Enterprises of the Ukroboronprom State Concern have passed all repaired and upgraded aircraft under the state defense order for 2019 to the state customers in advance, the press service of Ukroboronprom reported.
"We actively worked to fulfill the 2019 state defense order on aircraft repairs on time. There is an optimistic forecast for the future. We will continue to expand our potential," the press service quoted Deputy Director General for Aircraft and Missiles Ruslan Korzh as saying.
According to the statement, the enterprises carried out the state defense order to upgrade Su-27 aircraft to the level of Su-27 1M, Su-25 to Su-25 1M, MiG-29 to MiG-29 MU1, L-39 to L-39 1M and repaired aircraft engines.
The press service also said that the enterprises are actively forming plans of work for 2020, as well as continue repairs and maintenance of the equipment which are due to be finished next year.