14:55 06.12.2019

EBRD, EU launch platform to support Ukrainian SMEs within EU4Business initiative

2 min read
EBRD, EU launch platform to support Ukrainian SMEs within EU4Business initiative

 The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the European Union (EU), in agreement with the Ukrainian government, have launched the Merezha digital platform to support Ukrainian small and medium enterprises (SME) as part of the EU4Business initiative to expand business development opportunities.

"Ukrainian SMEs will be able to register online and have instant access to registered experts, case studies, business solutions library and useful data necessary for their planning and development activity. It is expected that Merezha, which means 'chain' in English, will attract up to 30,000 visitors monthly," the EBRD said on its website.

"Experts and business support organizations planning to provide services to SMEs via the platform will have to submit case studies of successfully implemented projects, the description of their services and other relevant information. Ukrainian businesses will be able to select the right experts for their purposes applying necessary filters and browsing through the database of registered consultants," the report says.

"The platform will offer an "Ask the Expert" section, which will streamline the communication between experts and SMEs seeking support and advice. There will be a special analytical tool open to all users designed to monitor typical business problems and their solutions patterns, which among other things, will help develop new SME support products," the bank said.

"It is expected that during the next development stage, due in the second quarter of 2020, the registration will be open for other market players, such as business associations, accelerators, grants providers and others," according to the document.