Uriadovy Kurier newspaper publishes new electricity market rules

The Uriadovy Kurier, the official government's newspaper, three months later after the adoption of the new electricity market rules has published National Commission for Regulation of Energy, Housing and Utilities Services (NCER) resolution No. 307 approving the rules.
The document endorsed by the regulator on March 14, 2018, was published in the newspaper issued on June 22.
The new rules would be applied from July 1, 2019 (apart from clauses 1.3-1.16 of the first section of the document: they will take effect on April 1, 2019).
As reported, the Uriadovy Kurier, the official government's newspaper, on June 20 published the license conditions for the power market operator, producers and guaranteed buyers of electricity and trading approved by the National Commission for Regulation of Energy, Housing and Utilities Services (NCER). All these documents are required to launch the new electricity market in Ukraine.
The commission passed all these documents on December 27 through December 29, 2017. They took effect on June 21, 2018.
The commission accuses the Uriadovy Kurier of gross interference into its operation via manual regulation of the publication of the commission's decisions.