Ukraine increases gas transit by 15.9% in Jan-Nov

Ukraine in January-November 2017 increased natural gas transit through the gas transportation system (GTS) of Ukraine by 15.9% or 11.726 billion cubic meters (bcm) year-over-year, to 85.505 bcm, according to live data from public joint-stock company Ukrtransgaz.
Transit of natural gas to the EU countries across Ukraine totaled 83.138 bcm in January-October 2017, and to Moldova – 2.366 bcm.
In November alone, gas transit fell by 4.1% or 352 million cubic meters year-over-year, to 8.135 bcm. Transit to Europe last month totaled 7.825 bcm and to Moldova – 309.7 million cubic meters.
November 2017 was the third months out of 11 months when the decline in gas transit was seen.
As reported, Ukraine in 2016 increased transit of natural gas through its gas transportation system by 22.5% compared with 2015, to 82.2 bcm.
Ukrtransgaz, fully owned by Naftogaz Ukrainy, operates a system of trunk gas pipelines and 12 underground gas storage facilities in the country.