14:52 14.11.2017

Ukraine, Saudi Arabia enter new stage in An-132 serial production project

1 min read
Ukraine, Saudi Arabia enter new stage in An-132 serial production project

 Ukraine and Saudi Arabia are entering a new stage in a project to jointly produce the An-132 transportation plane, which is capable of transporting 9.2 of cargo. The plane is the invention of the state-owned Antonov (Kyiv) concern in Kyiv. Under the project, serial production of the aircraft is planned.

The press office of Ukroboronprom on Tuesday said an agreement between Antonov and the Saudi Taqnia Aeronautics had been signed after talks at the Dubai Airshow-2017, which was held from November 12 to November 16 in Dubai (UAE).

Ukroboronprom said during the exhibit the sides agreed on the creation of a cooperative effort to jointly product the An-132, as well as to create the Antonov Academy for training technicians, engineers and workers involved in the serial construction project based in Saudi Arabia.

Antonov is Ukraine's leading developer and producer of aviation equipment and a recognized world leader in transportation aircraft. Since 2015 it has been part of the state-run Ukroboronprom concern.