Ukroboronprom soon to announce tender to attract strategic consultant for financial audit

The Ukroboronprom State Concern will soon announce a tender to attract a strategic consultant to conduct an international financial audit of the state concern, Ukroboronprom Deputy Director Denys Hurak has said.
He said at a press conference in Kyiv on Thursday, November 2, that the respective decision was taken at a tender committee meeting on Thursday.
He specified that the international financial audit was envisaged by the Ukroboronprom reform strategy and that a partner of Ukroboronprom, the Independent Anti-Corruption Defense Committee, formed by Transparency International, was included in the tender committee.
According to Ukroboronprom, the involvement of strategic consultants is aimed at transparently assessing the assets of Ukroboronprom and drafting a plan for corporatization of enterprises belonging to the state concern for the subsequent creation of efficient production clusters in the defense industry.
According to Hurak, the forthcoming transformation of Ukroboronprom will meet "the requirements of Euro-Atlantic integration of Ukraine."
The state concern told Interfax-Ukraine that an international audit would take about 1.5-2 years.