11:00 02.11.2017

Fiscal Service remains leader in number of complaints from businesses in Q3, 2017

2 min read
Fiscal Service remains leader in number of complaints from businesses in Q3, 2017

The Business Ombudsman's Council in the third quarter of 2017 received a record number of complaints from businesses - 408, which is almost twice as much as in the previous quarter, and 69% more compared to the third quarter of 2016, business ombudsman Algirdas Semeta said at a round table in Kyiv.

At the same time, the State Fiscal Service remains the leader in the number of complaints - in the third quarter of 2017 some 263 complaints were received.

"The main reason for increasing the number of complaints is a new mechanism of registration of tax invoices. At the same time, the number of complaints for receiving VAT refunds significantly reduced. The position of the business ombudsman is that the system should be changed but not stopped in the course of its work," he said.

In addition, 26 complaints about local authorities, 18 about the National Police, 17 about the Ministry of Finance were received. The number of complaints about law enforcement officers increased by 22% in the third quarter.

"Although the largest number of complaints is about the Fiscal Service, however, this agency has carried out 90% of our recommendations. The SBU has even higher figure. The police carried out 85% of recommendations, the prosecutor's office some 73%," Semeta noted.