02:12 20.06.2017

Ukraine's gross foreign debt in Q1 grows by only 0.11% - NBU

1 min read
Ukraine's gross foreign debt in Q1 grows by only 0.11% - NBU

Ukraine's gross foreign debt was $113.643 billion as of the beginning of April 2017, which was 0.11% up on the beginning of the year, the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) has said on its website.

The country's public debt in January-March increased by 0.22%, to $36.455 billion, the NBU's liabilities expanded by 2.55%, to $6.401 billion. At the same time, both government debt and liabilities of the NBU are represented exclusively by long-term borrowings.

The volume of liabilities on direct investment also grew, by 4.93%, to $9.039 billion.

However, depository corporations and other borrowers reduced debt by 5.74% and 0.05%, to $8.451 billion and $53.297 billion, respectively.

The lion's share of gross external debt, 74.1%, is denominated in U.S. dollars. The share of liabilities in Special Drawing Rights (SDR) is 11.6%, while debt in the euro accounts for 10.7%.

The National Bank also specifies that the net gross external debt as of early April was $1.275 billion.