18:41 27.04.2017

Agrarian unions support launch of land market from 2024

1 min read
Agrarian unions support launch of land market from 2024

Agrarian associations support lifting restrictions on land purchase and sale from 2024, deputy chairman of the Ukrainian Agrarian Council Mykhailo Sokolov said at the Agri Invest Forum 2017.

"The land market should not be launched immediately, there should be an opportunity for both agrarians and the state to prepare for this. The transition period should be five years, the market should be launched from 2024," he said.

According to the expert, this opinion is shared by the Ukrainian Agrarian Council, the Association of Milk Producers, the Pig Breeders of Ukraine association, the Ukrainian Agrarian Confederation, the Ukrainian Agribusiness Club, the Association of Farmers and Private Landowners of Ukraine and others that unite more than 90% of agricultural producers in Ukraine.

"Before the market launch, data in the state land cadaster and the register of rights to immovable property must be fully included and corrected, a program of preferential lending to farms of up to 100 hectares should be launched, and land to former and incumbent employees of state agricultural enterprises, who did not participate in land sharing, should be allocated," Sokolov said.