13:52 15.04.2017

Poroshenko signs law that halves personal income tax on dividends

1 min read
Poroshenko signs law that halves personal income tax on dividends

President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko has signed the law that corrected the technical error made at the end of 2016 when making amendments to the Tax Code and halved personal income tax on dividends from 18% to 9%.

According to the official website of the Ukrainian parliament, Poroshenko signed the relevant law on April 12 (bill No. 6210 on amendments to the Tax Code of Ukraine as for clarifying certain provisions and eliminating contradictions that arose during the adoption of law No. 1797-VIII on amendments to the Tax Code of Ukraine on improvement of the investment climate in Ukraine dated December 21, 2016).

As reported, on March 24, 2017 the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted bill No. 6210, correcting the mistake and halving personal income tax on dividends.

Presenting the bill, head of the profile tax committee Nina Yuzhanina noted that in principle the decision to lower the rate was made in December, but due to a technical error in the text it could not be implemented.