Shareholders in Kernel approve payment of $0.25 of dividends per share for FY2016

Shareholders in Kernel Holding S.A. (Luxembourg) at a general meeting on December 12 approved payment of dividends for FY2016 (July 2015-June 2016) in the amount of $0.25 per share, Kernel has said in a press release.
Taking into account the total number of outstanding shares (80.701 million), $20.175 million will be paid in dividends.
The general meeting delegated to the board of directors to set up record and payment dates to distribute the dividends.
The shareholders also approved the appointment of Nathalie Bachich as non-executive director, effective immediately.
Bachich has over 15 years of financial advisory services experience working in leading European financial institutions covering Western Europe, Asia and Central and Eastern Europe.
Kernel is a vertically integrated company which has been operating in the Ukrainian agribusiness sector since 1994. The group produces sugar and sunflower oil, distributes bottled oil, exports oil and grain and provides elevator storage services for grain and oilseeds.