17:43 08.12.2016

UNDP delivers first batch of medicines bought for 2016 funds to Ukraine

1 min read
UNDP delivers first batch of medicines bought for 2016 funds to Ukraine

The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) has delivered the first batch of medicines purchased from 2016 funds to Ukraine.

According to the Ministry of Health, these are drugs for treatment of the mucopolysaccharidosis orphan disease.

The Health Ministry specified the agency has also signed contracts for the purchase of medicines under 2016 programs with the UNICEF and Crown Agents and started preparations for negotiations for the purchase of medicines for the funds of the 2017 national budget.

International organizations on December 8 had delivered 94% of the total amount of medicines for the funds of 2015.

As reported, the Ministry of Health in 2015 passed the purchase of drugs under 12 government programs for national budget funds to three international organizations: the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the UNDP and the British procurement agency Crown Agents.

The Health Ministry plans in 2018 to transfer purchase of drugs under five state programs to the national procurement structure, which will be created and launched in 2019.