11:45 10.08.2016

State-run Ukrgasbank replaces Sberbank in top largest banks of Ukraine in Q2 2016 - NBU

2 min read
State-run Ukrgasbank replaces Sberbank in top largest banks of Ukraine in Q2 2016 - NBU

Private PrivatBank and state-run banks Oschadbank and Ukreximbank remained leaders in the volume of assets on the Ukrainian banking market in the second quarter of 2016 with 21.4%, 14.7% and 12.1% shares respectively, according to a quarterly report of the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU).

Sberbank descended from the fourth to seventh position, narrowing its market share from 4.4% to 3.8%, while state-run Ukrgasbank climbed from the seventh to fifth position, increasing its share from 3.8% to 4.1%.

Raiffeisen Bank Aval with the market share of 4.2% climbed from fifth to fourth position.

Sberbank boosted its share by 0.6 percentage points, while PrivatBank and Ukrgasbank decreased their shares by 0.1 percentage points.

The share of the top five largest banks of total assets of the banking system was 56.5% as of late Q2 2016 compared to 56.2% three months earlier. The share of three state-run banks was 30.9% compared to 30.1% three months earlier.

Alfa-Bank climbed from 10th to ninth position, leaving behind FUIB. If Ukraine's Antimonopoly Committee permits to buy Ukrsotsbank (sixth) by Alfa-Bank, this group with a share of 7.4% would be fourth.

Assets of the first ten largest banks that also includes UkrSibbank grew from 73.3% to 74.2% of all assets of Ukrainian banks in Q2 2016.

Prominvestbank and Credit Agricole Bank remained 11th and 12th positions, the share of the latter grew from 2.1% to 2.2%, while the share of Prominvestbank decreased from 3.1% to 2.8%. VTB Bank allowed OTP Bank to be 13th and bank Pivdenny allowed Citibank to follow it and be 15th.

ING Bank and Credobank were left on 17th and 19th positions, while ProCredit Bank exchanged positions with Megabank becoming 18th (Megabank 20th). The first one boosted its share from 0.7% to 0.8% and the second one decreased it by the same figure.

The share of second ten largest banks of total assets of the Ukrainian banking system was 15.2%.

The NBU said that as of late Q2 2016 assets of the Ukrainian banking system (solvent banks) totaled UAH 1.258 trillion, decreasing by 2.3% in three months. The number of solvent banks decreased from 109 to 101 over the period.