17:42 22.06.2016

Poroshenko signs law on abolition of mandatory state registration of foreign investment

1 min read
Poroshenko signs law on abolition of mandatory state registration of foreign investment

President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko has signed the law on amendments to some legislative acts of Ukraine concerning the abolition of mandatory state registration of foreign investment (No. 1390-VIII).

According to the presidential press service, the law provides for the creation of more favorable conditions for attracting investment by simplifying the procedure.

"We introduce a declarative principle of state registration of investments, according to which presentation of statistical reports on foreign investments will be carried out by enterprises with foreign investment and banking institutions," the report says.

The introduction of these changes will bring Ukrainian legislation closer to EU standards, simplify the procedure for attracting foreign investment and help restore the country's economy.

As reported, on May 31, 2016 the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine with 259 votes adopted as a whole the bill on amendments to some legislative acts of Ukraine concerning the abolition of mandatory state registration of foreign investments (No. 2763).