PGO investigates legality of Dniproavia airline privatization

The Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine (PGO) is investigating the legality of the privatization of OJSC Dniproavia airline (Dnipropetrovsk).
According to the ruling of Kyiv's Pechersky district court posted in the state register of court rulings, an investigator filed a petition to the court to obtain temporary access to assets and documents. The Prosecutor General's Office is conducting a pre-trial investigation into the embezzlement of state-owned property on an especially large scale by officials of the State Property Fund of Ukraine (SPF).
The investigator said that officials from the fund, acting for the benefit of Galtera LLC (Dnipropetrovsk), approved a report of Uvecon (Kyiv) on the appraisal of 94.57% of shares in Dniproavia in the amount of UAH 58.4 million.
Access to the Uvecon records would help establish the identities of the individuals who committed the crime. The court satisfied the petition.
According to another court ruling, the pre-trial investigation agency is checking the sale of a 94.57% stake in Dniproavia to Galtera LLC. The identities of the owners, managers or property managers of the above-mentioned enterprises are being established.
Access to Galtera records could help establish the identities of those persons who committed the crime. The court satisfied the petition.
The court also provided temporary access to the Dniproavia records.
The State Property Fund is trying to revoke synchronously the airline sale and purchase deal in courts.