11:49 25.02.2016

NBU agrees acquisition of large stakes in Alfa-Bank, BTA Bank, Industrialbank and three more banks

2 min read
NBU agrees acquisition of large stakes in Alfa-Bank, BTA Bank, Industrialbank and three more banks

The National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) has agreed the acquisition of large stakes in Alfa-Bank (Ukraine), BTA Bank, Industrialbank, Alpari Bank, Express-bank and bank Center, the regulator has reported on its website.

According to the report, the NBU agreed the acquisition of a large stake in Alfa-Bank for Mikhail Fridman, German Khan and Alexei Kuzmichev who are owners of ABH Holdings SA, which indirectly via ABH Ukraine Limited hold shares in Alfa-Bank.

According to the report, the acquisition was agreed after the law on responsibility of affiliated persons took effect on March 2, 2015 and the above-mentioned persons received a status of the holder of a large stake in the bank.

In addition, the regulator agreed the acquisition of over 70% of the charter capital in Industrialbank and over 80% in Express-bank for the Dvoretskiy family – Roza, Anna and Igor, declaring the ownership structures of the banks transparent.

The regulator also agreed the acquisition of 47% each in BTA Bank by Nurzhan Subkhanderdin and Kenes Rakishev (citizens of Kazakhstan).

The NBU also agreed the direct acquisition of 100% in Alpari bank by Bakhtari Khed Ayatollah Musa.

The NBU agreed the direct participation in bank Center for Hamed Alikhani (citizen of France) who indirectly held 60% in the bank.