Some 14,600 Ukrainians declare UAH 1.3 bln revenues for 2015 – Fiscal Service

Some 14,600 Ukrainians in January filed income statements for 2015, in which declared UAH 1.285 billion of revenues, the press service of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine reported on its website.
Most of the income declared worth UAH 482.3 million is inherited and donated assets, UAH 276.7 million are wages, UAH 191.8 million is income from the sale of movable and immovable property, and UAH 333.7 million are other revenues.
The amount of tax on individuals' income, which citizens independently decided to pay to the budget, is UAH 36 million, the total amount of declared war tax is UAH 8.1 million.
More than 3,000 citizens used the right to tax credit in January. The declared amount of tax on individuals' income that is subject to refunds is UAH 6.3 million.
As reported, the campaign to declare citizens' income received during 2015 was launched on January 1 and will last until April 30.