Ukrtatnafta denies accusations of competition agency that company submits incomplete information

Public joint-stock company Ukrtatnafta believes that accusations of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine that the company submitted incomplete information are unjustifiable.
"All the information that can have relation to the mentioned investigation [the committee's investigation into oil auctions] was provided to the committee in the complete volume and in the established period," the company’s press service reported.
Ukrtatnafta said that in 2015, the company received 19 requests from the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine and responded to them in the term established in Ukrainian law.
The company said that if the committee sends a request to receive general and unidentified information, the data is provided in the electronic form, and as for the paper form it is proposed to specify what documents the committee needs.
"This approach is clear, as some requests of the committee contain a demand to provide copies of all documents on purchase of crude oil and sale of fuel for the whole period under investigation, which is around 200,000 sheets of paper. In this case this concerns he committee request No. 20-29/06-12478 dated December 15, 2015 on the provision of documents and information concerning 90% of Ukrtatnafta's transactions for 2015," the press service said.