Yatseniuk gathers bankers to look for long-term cheap crediting tools

Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatseniuk predicts difficult macroeconomic situation in the country in 2016 and urges largest banks to jointly look for tools for long-term cheap crediting in the national currency.
"I looked at the macroeconomic forecasts for 2016: we have too many challenges in 2016 and the general macroeconomic situation requires unusual decisions. Without crediting the Ukrainian economy at low rtes and with the long length of crediting in the national currency of Ukraine the economic growth would be under big question," the premier said, opening a meeting with representatives of the banking sector held on January 26.
According to a report published by the People's Front party, where Yatseniuk is the leader of the party, the meeting was held at the Cabinet of ministers without representatives of the National Bank of Ukraine. The finance minister, economic development and trade minister, infrastructure minister, regional development, construction, housing and utilities economy minister and agricultural policy and food minister took part in the meeting long with a dozen of heads of the largest banks.
Yatseniuk said that when he was head of the National Bank of Ukraine in 2044 the long refinancing program was launched.
"The money were sent directly to industry, engineering – everything to develop the economy," he said.
He asked representatives of the banking sector to share their thoughts who to implement the broad crediting program in 2016 both for business and the public first for self-employment, creation of jobs and entrepreneurship.