10:32 19.08.2015

New tariffs on domestic oil pumping higher than cost of similar services in EU - Ukrtatnafta

1 min read
New tariffs on domestic oil pumping higher than cost of similar services in EU - Ukrtatnafta

PJSC Ukrtatnafta (Kremenchuk oil refinery, Poltava region) considers a multiple increase in tariffs for oil transportation to the plant to be economically unjustified, untimely and illegal, according to a press release from the company.

"For an objective comparison - after the July increase the tariffs of PJSC Ukrtransnafta are considerably higher than the cost of similar services in Slovakia, Hungary, Poland and other EU countries," the press service said.

In this context, Ukrtatnafta appealed to the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine and filed a lawsuit to court to cancel the decision to raise tariffs on oil pumping.

"Needless to say that the multiple increase of tariffs for oil transportation will trigger a significant increase in the cost of fuel produced by Kremenchuk oil refinery. This is a powerful blow to the Ukrainian producer of fuel - its competitiveness and economic and financial stability," Ukrtatnafta said.