17:47 15.12.2014

Dniproavia could be declared bankrupt due to closure of Dnipropetrovsk airport

1 min read
Dniproavia could be declared bankrupt due to closure of Dnipropetrovsk airport

Dniproavia Airline (Dnipropetrovsk) could by the end of this year be declared bankrupt due to the closure of Dnipropetrovsk airport and the inability to work.

"The decisions of the State Aviation Service of November 28 and December 12 on banning flights between Moscow and Dnipropetrovsk and the prohibition of flights from Dnipropetrovsk airport completely paralyzed the work of Dniproavia. The airline, which still performs Ukrainian interregional transportation, will be forced by the New Year to declare bankruptcy. Some 400 employees with an average salary of UAH 15,000 will remain without job," reads a statement.

In addition, the air carrier reported it has not received explanation for the ban on flights and the time for which they are limited.

"Therefore a lot of questions appear, but one of the most important is whether the competent authorities of the National Security and Defense Council and the Security Service, which are hinted at as the initiators of these actions, know why and for what reason these restrictions are introduced and to what they must lead," the airline said.