Subway urgently requires almost UAH 2.5 bln, says Kyiv Metropoliten

Kyiv Metropoliten municipal enterprise has assessed the acute shortage of funds for the stable operation of the enterprise at some UAH 2.47 billion.
"Due to a lack of correspondence of the subway fares to expenses the subway is in the difficult situation. This is also linked to the impossibility of repair rolling stock. We have to restrict speed of trains to 40 kilometers per hour to ensure safety and each passenger feels this – the reduction in speed leads to the necessity of increasing the number of trains on the line to stick to the train schedule and with more carriages we have more expenses," Kyiv Metropoliten Head Viktor Brahynsky said at a press conference in Kyiv on Thursday.
He said that 10 kilometers of rail, switches and frogs worth UAH 25 million should be replaced to resolve the problem and work on reinforcing tunnels and removing leakage worth some UAH 120 million should be done.
"We should also restore carriages: 73 out of 824 carriages are removed of service due to the absence of spare parts. We should buy 127 bogies, 101 wheel pairs and this costs some UAH 32 million. By the end of 2015 we have to remove 63 carriages of service," he said.
Subway should expand its rolling stock with new carriages worth near UAH 2 billion.
Today, 27 escalators should be replaced, 12 escalators require overhauls, and the cost of the work is UAH 173 million, according to calculations of Kriukov Car Building Works.
The company requires UAH 122 million to settle urgent issues in the power supply segment.