11:52 01.08.2013

Almost 45% of newly created businesses in construction are individual businessmen, says state registration service

1 min read

A total of 3,592 economic entities declaring construction as their core business have been registered in Ukraine since early 2013, including almost 45% individual businessmen, reads a press release of the State Registration Service of Ukraine.

According to the State Registration Service of Ukraine, the share of the newly created business in the construction sector of the total number of newly registered entities is around 3%.

"Most often the newly created business declares the construction of residential and nonresidential buildings as their core business. A total of 1,264 entities were registered with the said type of construction operations, including 1,035 companies and 229 individual businessmen," reads the report, citing director of the department of state registration of companies and individuals-businessmen of the State Registration Service, Oleksandr Barbeliuk.

The installation of water networks, heat and air conditioning systems is second most popular type of business declared by 145 companies and 206 individual businessmen. Stucco work is third in popularity: 32 companies and 191 individual businessmen.

According to the registration service, in 2012, 5,222 economic entities were registered in the construction area.