12:21 20.12.2012

Ukraine should carry out balanced trade policy towards EU, Customs Union, say experts

2 min read

Both the Customs Union and European Union are important strategic trading partners of the Ukrainian agro-industrial complex, according to President of the Ukrainian Agribusiness Club (UCAB) Alex Lissitsa.

"The analysis of foreign trade confirms that both the Customs Union and European Union are strategic partners for the Ukrainian agro-industrial complex. Moreover, we export different products to the unions, they do not compete between each other," reads the report of UCAB issued on Wednesday, citing Lissitsa.

The expert said that the closure of one of the trade directions due to giving preferences to another one could result in the supersaturation of the domestic market and the fall in production.

"Today, it's very important for Ukraine to carry out the balanced trade policy towards the EU and Customs Union, as hasty decisions which were not agreed with business could lead to large problems in the balance of trade," Lissitsa said.

UCAB said that in January-November 2012 exports of agricultural products to the European Union and Customs Union came to some $9 billion, which is 58% of the total exports of agricultural products over the period.

According to the report, in 11 months ending November 30, 2012, exports of agricultural products to the European Union grew by 82% in monetary terms compared to the indicator for the whole 2011. Grain, oilseeds and products made of them occupy the key share of exports to the European union.

UCAB said that exports of agricultural products to the Customs Union in January-November 2012 are 28% more than in 2011. Confectionary and cheese are main products exported to the Customs Union.

The surplus of the balance of foreign trade with agricultural products over the period with the European Union came to $1.9 billion and with the Customs Union to $2.5 billion.