Finance Ministry lowers 2012state debt target by 2.9%
Ukraine's state (direct) debt in 2012 may amount to UAH 404.1 billion, which will be 2.9% down on the previously forecast figure, according to the Finance Ministry.
"The estimated state debt indicator by the end of the fourth quarter should be around UAH 404.1 billion. Domestic state debt alone should amount to UAH 193.7 billion, or 47.9% [of state direct debt], and foreign state debt to UAH 210.4 billion, or 52.1%," according to the state debt management plan for the fourth quarter.
The total sum of receipts from debt transactions in October-December 2012 stipulated in the general fund of the national budget of Ukraine for 2012 is expected by the Finance Ministry at UAH 6.9 billion.
The volume of debt repayment in the fourth quarter of 2012 will be approximately UAH 16.4 billion (UAH 17.6 billion in the third quarter).