00:29 26.08.2012

Experts: Euro 2012 has united Ukrainians

2 min read
Experts: Euro 2012 has united Ukrainians

The holding of the Euro 2012 European Football Championship in Ukraine has become a real festival for Ukraine, so it is not surprising that most Ukrainians are very positive about the championship, the editor-in-chief of Ukraine's Football magazine, Artem Frankov, has said.

While commenting on the results of a sociological survey conducted by the Gorshenin Institute "Euro 2012 in Ukraine. Results," the expert said: "The result is correct, positive, and public opinion demonstrates positivism that swept over people who took some part in this."

Frankov said that the fact that people are using the infrastructure that was created due to Euro 2012 was also positive.

Regions Party MP Vladyslav Lukianov, in turn, said that Euro 2012 had become a festival for the whole of Europe and helped the Europeans learn more about Ukraine.

"We see that similar positive comments were made by millions of fans who came to Ukraine. Do you remember a number of protests that were held by fans from other countries, responding to their media who represented Ukraine, to put it mildly, not in the best way?" he said.

The MP said that this was a mutual movement of Ukraine to Europe and Europe to Ukraine.

An assistant to the Ukrainian emergencies minister, the former head of the national agency for Euro 2012, Yevhen Chervonenko, said that the championship had united Ukrainians.

"People in the world are fighting for event tourism and important competitions for good reason. There are not so many factors that can unite the nation. And Ukrainians tried to unite. National love for sports and football showed that we exist," he said.

As reported, according to a survey conducted by the Gorshenin Institute from July 21 to July 25, after Euro 2012 in Ukraine, 40% of citizens experienced a sense of patriotism. Most citizens (57.3%) were of the opinion that the holding of Euro 2012 in Ukraine had helped unite the country. Some 75% believe that the country's international image has improved after Euro 2012, and most respondents (83.5%) would like Ukraine to host similar international sporting events in future. Most respondents (64%) also believe that the holding of Euro 2012 has helped improve infrastructure in Ukraine.