16:51 26.01.2024

Free first consultation by obstetrician-gynecologist and ultrasound from ADONIS

2 min read

The offer is valid from 03.08.22 to 31.03.24.

The ADONIS medical center network has prepared a gift for expectant mothers.

Every pregnant woman can use FREE services from ADONIS:

✅ Primary consultation by an obstetrician-gynecologist ✅ Primary consultation by an obstetrician-gynecologist

Ultrasound in early pregnancy ✅ Ultrasound in early pregnancy

Important. Free consultations with a doctor and ultrasound are possible in the presence of a positive pregnancy test or hCG analysis and are possible up to 10 weeks of pregnancy

Examination and examination are carried out in one appointment.

Where the offer is valid

The promotional offer is valid in ADONIS medical centers at the following addresses:

- 26-K Dniprovska Naberezhna Ave;
- 8-B Raisy Okipnoyi St. (Livoberezhna);
- 72, Zhylianska St. (Palats Sportu or Vokzalna metro stations);
- 39 Spaska St. (Kontraktova Square);
- 90 Akademika Shalimova St. (Sofiyivska Borshchahivka).

You already know that you will soon become a mother, and a little person is growing inside you. The first visit to the obstetrician-gynecologist is very exciting. After all, it is the doctor who is supposed to dispel all your fears and convince you that everything is going well with you and your baby and that everything is going according to plan.

During this visit, you will also be able to choose a doctor to whom you are ready to open up and entrust the management of your unique pregnancy.

Information about the doctors

Contacts and appointments

When making an appointment for a consultation with a doctor under the promotion, ask the administrators and call center operators for information about the gynecologists participating in the promotion. We kindly ask you to inform them about your participation in the campaign.

☎️ 0 800 707 707

ADONIS: making quality healthcare affordable.

Adonis is a network of private medical centers for adults and children. The Adonis private clinic was founded more than 20 years ago.

Its network includes 12 branches in Kyiv and the region, including two own maternity hospitals and a stem cell laboratory.

In the clinic's branches, doctors treat patients in 66 medical areas.

During the war, the branches with surgical units continue to help patients by providing quality medical care to military and civilians.