12:50 03.02.2022

I-Dolina will cooperate with KNUСA and the State Fund for Youth Housing

3 min read

On January 31, this year, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture hosted a ceremony of signing a landmark memorandum of cooperation between the International Technology Transfer Association (ITTA) headed by Artem Honcharenko, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture led by rector Petro Kulikov, and the State Fund for Youth Housing run by Serhiy Komnatnyi and I-Dolina headed by Chairman of the Board Alexander Teplyuk.

This document defines cooperation in the following areas:

- implementation of priority tasks for Ukrainian education and civil society;

- conducting joint events (seminars, pieces of training, lectures, conferences, etc.) and outreach;

- development and implementation of training and information programs and courses, various projects aimed at improving education;

- digitalization of educational processes in the field of construction and implementation of new information technologies;

- development and implementation of joint programs for the development and support of the creative industry.

Today, in science, education, manufacturing, trade, etc., global changes are taking place, which modern society cannot abandon, seeking to reap the maximum benefits from existing technologies and innovations.

Digitalization has become a mandatory tool that allows Ukraine to move alongside leaders in the world economy.

Ignorance and inability to use modern information technology, lack of professional staff can stop, and after some time, lead to the decline of the country's economy.

According to experts, by 2030, the global professional imbalance will exceed 1.4 billion people, and, accordingly, the losses of the world economy will reach 5 trillion dollars.

Therefore, the creation of the latest programs on the development of innovative educational resources will provide an opportunity not only not to prevent losing existing potential but to become a global leader in this regard.

It is no secret today that Ukraine is a leader regarding the quality and number of IT specialists, and revenues to the country's budget from this industry are increasing every year.

Therefore, the coalition of Kyiv National University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, namely its educational base, innovative approaches, and professionals of the International Technology Transfer Association (ITTA), International Creative Center I-Dolina, and the State Fund for Youth Housing, will support several activities to be developed. Projects are designed to provide both Ukraine and other countries with modern personnel in construction and architecture.

"We have previously cooperated with the State Fund for Youth Housing, and from today this cooperation will be even deeper and more valuable for all of us, and especially for the staff of our university," - rector Petro Kulikov.

In turn, Artem Honcharenko, President of the International Technology Transfer Association (ITTA), drew attention to the possibility of using world experience in government programs to support and attract foreign investors, providing them with favorable conditions. Experts of the association will help develop these areas and increase the number of attracted investments.

Serhiy Oleksandrovych Komnatnyi reaffirmed that the State Fund for Youth Housing is an organization engaged in the practical implementation of housing policy and has all the opportunities to support young people who need state support at the initial stage of their personal and professional development.

International Creative Center I-Dolina is an organization that unites the creative industry of our country, as well as actively supports the practicalization of digitalization in Ukraine; it considers the signing of this memorandum as one of the essential steps to develop support our education new technologies - said Alexander Teplyuk.

In the end, events in the construction field were announced, which will take place on February 10 this year. The Kyiv National University of Civil Engineering and Architecture will host International Conference Construction, Innovation, Technology, Investment.

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