Tetyana Slipachuk re-joins Sayenko Kharenko

We are delighted to share the news that one of the leading arbitration experts in Ukraine Dr Tetyana Slipachuk decided to resume her legal career and return to Sayenko Kharenko as Special Advisor.
In her new role Tetyana will be adding high-level strategic insight to the dispute resolution practice of the firm and will focus, in particular, on arbitration practice, cross-border disputes and multi-jurisdictional investigations and proceedings, continuing her activities as arbitrator and expert.
We note that historically Dr Slipachuk headed the international arbitration practice of Sayenko Kharenko and under her lead the firm has been representing Ukraine in some of the most high-profile disputes in its history, including in the case “Littop Enterprises Limited, Bridgemont Ventures Limited and Bordo Management Limited v. Ukraine”, which eventually resulted in the victory of Ukraine and saving over six billion dollars for the state budget.
“I appreciate that Tetyana is coming back to us with a new perspective after getting invaluable experience as senior stateswoman, and that would allow us offering additional value to our clients, who often seek strategic consulting and project management services rather than mere legal advice,” Nazar Chernyavsky, CEO of Sayenko Kharenko mentioned.