18:22 09.12.2021

Livestock, horticulture, land reclamation will become priorities of state support in 2022 – Agriculture Minister

2 min read

KYIV. Dec 9 (Interfax-Ukraine) - Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food Roman Leschenko during the conference "Doing Agribusiness in Ukraine" named livestock, horticulture and land reclamation among the priority areas for providing state support in 2022, according to the website of the Ukrainian Agribusiness Club.

"This focus has already been agreed, the funds from which these areas will be financed have been worked out. The position in terms of state support is decisive for the next calendar period, since the agricultural sector is number one industry in terms of economic growth and the formation of foreign exchange earnings," the minister emphasized.

In addition, the department plans to abolish the monopoly of notaries on the conclusion of land transactions by approving the institute of certified land surveyors.

According to Leschenko, the emphasis of state support for 2022 will be placed on small and medium-sized agricultural producers.

"In 2021, state support was aimed at niche crops, support for agricultural machinery, compensation for the loan rate. Indeed, the Affordable Loans 5-7-9% program, which we worked out together with the Ministry of Economy to support farmers, became a real additional resource in the amount of more than UAH 30 billion for the agricultural sector. These funds made it possible to reinvest in production and update fixed production assets," the minister said.

In addition, during the conference, Deputy Minister of Economy Denys Kudin said that today the government's attention is focused as much as possible on the development of road, rail and river transport. He recalled that from January 1, 2022, a law will come into force, making transportation on the Dnipro River virtually free.

According to the deputy minister, another flagship infrastructure project for the government is land irrigation in southern Ukraine. The first pilot project in this direction will start in 2022 and will cover 200 hectares of land in four southern regions of the country.

As reported, the Cabinet of Ministers expanded the procedure for financial support of agricultural producers for 2021 with six new state programs with a total volume of UAH 500 million, including directions that stimulate buckwheat and potato production.