13:32 21.10.2020

Application to analyze voting process in real time during elections created

2 min read

KYIV. Oct 21 (Interfax-Ukraine) – The Ukrainian Institute of Politics together with the public organization "International Technology Transfer Association" presented the "ITTA-anomaly" application for analyzing the voting process in real time.

"Today we want to present another product of ours, which, we believe, will help to counter fraud, illegal ways to distort the turnout or voting results. This product is also absolutely free and is designed for political parties, independent public organizations, election commissions, especially the CEC, which will collect results from all local election commissions - all participants in the electoral process, journalists, experts," said Head of the Ukrainian Institute of Politics Ruslan Bortnik during the presentation of the application in the press center of the Interfax-Ukraine agency.

According to developers, the software product "ITTA-anomaly" reflects deviations during voting at polling stations, which allows both participants in the electoral process and other interested organizations and individuals to accordingly react and make appropriate decisions. The process of processing information by the program takes up to five minutes, depending on the quality of the Internet connection, after which the data from the site are displayed in the system and are available to its users.

Political parties will need to register to use the full range of features of the application.

"So, each party, having received a login and password from us, will be able to use our application free of charge, while providing itself with an additional tool to protect itself from unfair competitors and other interested parties," ITTA President Artem Honcharenko said.